Recruitment Processes

Recruitment Processes

During recruitment process, priority is for the employees whom can fulfill the ability needs of the department and candidates whom are coming from manufacturing sector for technical positions.

Our Human Resources department, in recruitment evaluation do not make any discrimination among the candidates according to their graduated universities. We have been working to select talented, creative, high potential, newly graduated employees for many years.

Newly graduated applicants may apply from our “General Application” section or they can send their CV and/or personal datas by e-mail to our human resources department e-mail address

YIGITSAN; regarding its sector predominantly in search for candidates from engineering, vocational high school or vocational school graduates, experienced colleagues or without experience employees.

The assesments of applications which are outer field of the applicant’s graduation profession,

Among above mentioned applicants, the main qualities we have been looking for ; determination for success in tasks, improved communication skills, high iclination for teamwork , open to development, improved social responsibility.

You can apply to join our family.